April 27, 2024
Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari

Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in Nuclear Physics-Reactor
Phone: 07731222242
Faculty: Faculty of Nano and Biotechnology


Title Muonic Atom Production and the Effect of μd 1s Loss on X-Ray Generation in a Two-Layer Setup of H2/D2–D2
Type Article
Two-layer hydrogen setup, Muonic atom production, Ion implantation, Muonic X-rays, μd1s loss
DOI 10.1007/s10909-012-0729-x
Researchers Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari (First researcher)


A new effort has been undertaken to model the effect of μd1s muonic atom loss on the number of X-rays generated by combination of negative slow muons with ions implanted in the two-layer hydrogen setup of H2/D2–D2. Until now, this effect has not been investigated theoretically. Here a solid hydrogen-deuterium layer (H2/D2) has been used for μd1s production. For ion implantation and characteristic muonic X-ray generation, a small amount of solid deuterium (a mixture of ortho and para states) has been kept on the solid H2/D2 at temperature 3 K. The μd1s loss rate and the integrated number of X-photons have been determined. Our results of X-ray yields are in good accord with those experimental reported by Strasser et al. We expect the effect of μd1s loss to provide a scaling of about 10 %, making overall agreement better, compared to our previous work.