September 21, 2024
Milad Jahangiri

Milad Jahangiri

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Address: School of Engineering, Floor 2, Room 227.
Degree: Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Phone: (+98) 77 3122 2372
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Milad is currently an Assistant Professor of Structural and Earthquake Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering in Persian Gulf University. He is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His research areas of interest encompass, but is not restricted to, the succeeding scopes: "Structural Health Monitoring", "Signal Processing", "Dynamics of Structures", "Reliability of Structures", "Engineering Optimization", "Risk Assessment", "Operational Modal Analysis", "Non-Destructive Tests", etc.

Research interests

  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Structural Health Monitoring
  • Structural Damage Identification
  • Signal Processing
  • Dynamics of Structures
  • Reliability of Structures
  • Engineering Optimization
  • Risk Assessment
  • Operational Modal Analysis
  • Non-Destructive Tests

Research activities

Journal articles
Alireza Babaali, , Milad Jahangiri (2024) The influences of type, length, and volumetric fraction of fibers on the direct shear strength of the fiber-reinforced concretes CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS: 136375; 1-12
Milad Jahangiri, Antonio Palermo, Soroosh Kamali, , Alessandro Marzani (2023) A procedure to estimate the Minimum Observable Damage in truss structures using vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring systems PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS: 73; 103451-...
Milad Jahangiri, , Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour, Mehdi Jahangiri, Shahabeddin Hatami (2023) A Novel Probabilistic Structural Damage Detection Approach Considering Uncertainty Sources Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering: 5; 19
Alireza Babaali, Masoumeh Negahdari, , Milad Jahangiri (2022) Experimental Examination of the Effect of Length and Percentage of Steel Fibers on the Tension and Compression Strengths of Concrete journal of civil engineering and materials application: 5; 223-232
, Milad Jahangiri, Shahrokh Shojaei (2022) The effects of non-structural components on the dynamic characteristics and vulnerability of concrete structures using ambient vibration tests and Nakamura's criterion International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: 162; 107492-...
Amin Hosseini, Touraj Taghikhani, Milad Jahangiri (2021) Optimal tuned direct adaptive controller for seismic protecting of structures JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES: 32; 2139-2152
Milad Jahangiri, , Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour, Mehdi Jahangiri (2021) A reliability-based sieve technique: A novel multistage probabilistic methodology for the damage assessment of structures ENGINEERING STRUCTURES: 226; 111359-...
Mehdi Jahangiri, Milad Jahangiri, Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour (2020) The sensitivity and specificity analyses of ambient temperature and population size on the transmission rate of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in different provinces of Iran SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT: 728; 138872-...
Milad Jahangiri, , Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour, Mehdi Jahangiri, Mohammad Reza Gerami (2020) Interactive autodidactic school: A new metaheuristic optimization algorithm for solving mathematical and structural design optimization problems COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES: 235; 106268-...
Milad Jahangiri, (2019) Vibration-based structural health monitoring using symbiotic organism search based on an improved objective function Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring: 9; 741-755
Milad Jahangiri, Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour, Seyed Mehdi Dehghan, (2019) The efficiency of a novel identification method for structural damage assessment using the first vibration mode data JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION: 458; 1-16
Conference articles
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Seyed Hamed Meraji, Mohammad Vaghefi, Milad Jahangiri, Mahmoud Malakouti Olounabadi, Marzie Babaie Rabiee, Amin Mahmoudi (2024) Design of breakwater, slide and dock based on marine hydrodynamic studies of Ganaveh seaport دانشگاه خلیج فارس
Seyed Hamed Meraji, Mohammad Vaghefi, Marzie Babaie Rabiee, Milad Jahangiri, Mahmoud Malakouti Olounabadi (2024) Design of marine structures and hydrodynamic and sedimentation studies ladies seashore swimming pool of Deylam Port دانشگاه خلیج فارس
mohammad ghazi, Mahmoud Malakouti Olounabadi, Milad Jahangiri, Amin Keshavarz (2024) Back-calculation of the mechanical properties of pavement layers using meta-heuristic optimization algorithms
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Grant Attraction
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