17 اسفند 1403
حميد شاهبندرزاده

حمید شاهبندرزاده

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد - گروه مدیریت صنعتی
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / مدیریت صنعتی
تلفن: -
دانشکده: دانشکده کسب و کار و اقتصاد

مشخصات پژوهش

بررسی شاخص های سازمانی و فنی در توفیق شرکت های صنعتی استان بوشهر
نوع پژوهش مقالات در همایش ها
Organizational indicators, technical indicators, industrial companies and Bushehr
پژوهشگران امید راستی (نفر اول) ، حمید شاهبندرزاده (نفر دوم)


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of organizational and technical indicators on the success of industrial companies in Bushehr province. For this purpose, by studying the theoretical literature, the effective factors in the success of industrial companies were identified and based on that, a conceptual model of research was designed. In this study, management and marketing indicators, production were considered as effective factors in the success of industrial companies. The statistical population of this research is 170 production and commercial managers, technical experts, accountants and warehousemen of industrial companies in Bushehr province. The minimum number of samples was calculated using Cochran's formula of 118 people. Then, by designing a questionnaire, the required data were collected and finally, the validation of the model was examined using Smart PLS.2 software. The results show the positive (direct) and significant effect of organizational and technical indicators on the success of industrial companies in Bushehr province.