May 18, 2024

Mohammad Javad Pourabed

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Address: Persian Gulf University, Boushehr, Iran
Degree: Ph.D in Arabic Language and Literature
Phone: 09155255007
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


Analysis Of The Linguistic Levels In Faliha Hassan Poetry Based On The Gender Element
Type Thesis
الشعر العربي المعاصر، الأسلوب، المخططات، الجنس، فليحة حسن.
Researchers zohreh behrozi (Student) , Ali Khezri (Primary advisor) , Rasoul Balavi (Advisor) , Mohammad Javad Pourabed (Advisor)


Women's literature and writing have special features in terms of themes and linguistic layers. This style of literature and writing with its textual structure, choice of words, and language styles indicates the experience of women. Researchers have always been curious about the linguistic and literary styles of men and women; Because they believe that the factors of gender, environment, culture, society, and economy affect the language of men and women. For this reason, we want to examine the most important linguistic techniques in the poems of Falha Hassan; Because Faliha Hassan's poems deal with the issues of women, politics, society, and culture, and her poetry talks about life during the war years and the hardships experienced by women. In terms of linguistic layers, Faliha Hassan's poems are distinguished by language styles and techniques that play a prominent role in describing, verbal communication, and visualizing concepts, and even help the audience in understanding concepts that the poet is unable to express in words. . Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate linguistic layers and analyze the function of linguistic styles, which are very important in the poetic language of Faliha Hassan. The method of this research is based on the descriptive-analytical approach, and the results of this research show that the poet always suffers from initial incompatible schemas, especially the feeling of instability, rejection, and emotional deprivation. The poet's poetry is mostly descriptive due to the high use of emotional words. In cases where he wants to show anticipation, or oral performance of the poem, such as silence or raising the voice, he has used punctuation marks. The poetry of Faliha Hassan is a kind of communication process, and according to the historical period in which the poet lives, the conditions require the poet to focus more on the element of sender and receiver, so that persuasive and emotional linguistic roles are formed. The po