January 15, 2025
Naser Jaberi

Naser Jaberi

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Address: Bushehr, Persian Gulf University.
Degree: Ph.D in Persian language and literature
Phone: 07733444574
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


Classification and analysis of myth and mythological components in Mohammad Biyabani's poems based on Lawrence Cope's point of view.
Type Thesis
اسطوره، لارنس كوب، شعر معاصر، محمد بياباني.
Researchers bahareh hejazi (Student) , Hossein Salimi (Primary advisor) , Naser Jaberi (Advisor)


Poetry, with its special language, has a close relationship with myth, and history shows that this relationship has become few and many at different times; But it has never stopped. Many critics consider myth as the basis of poetry and literature, and another group introduces poetry as a platform for showing mythology. Today, although industry and scientific advances have diminished the field of myths in society, poetry is still the place where such mental contents of human beings appear. Mohammad Biabani, as one of the contemporary poets who has a special interest in ancient Iran and the mythology of that period, has established a close connection with mythology in his poetry. By examining the myths in the desert poems, we find out that he has made abundant use of local, national, religious and mystical mythological sources with a different perspective, and by relying on the superstructure as well as the richness of the infrastructure of his social thoughts and thoughts with these mythological elements, he has created a different kind of poetry. Is. Investigations show that Lawrence Cope's five divisions of myths are largely consistent with the myths and mythological components used in Muhammad Biabani's poetry. Among the five categories, hero myths, rescue myths, and creation myths are more prominent. In this research, we aim to classify the mythologies in the desert poetry based on Lawrence Cope's mythological classification and analyze them in connection with social issues.