May 18, 2024
Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari

Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in Nuclear Physics-Reactor
Phone: 07731222242
Faculty: Faculty of Nano and Biotechnology


Muonic X-ray Yield in Deuterium Solid Consisting of Radioactive Nuclei Impurity
Type Thesis
بهره اشعه ايكس ميوني، دوتريم جامد، ناخالصي راديواكتيو
Researchers Taleb Safinia (Student) , Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari (Primary advisor) ,


Muonic atoms have played an important role in establishing and refining nuclear structure models. High muonic X-ray yields with very precise and absolute values are required for analyzing unstable nuclei. New intense muon beams, with flux several orders of magnitude higher than at present muon facilities, would allow many novel experimental studies for consideration of nuclear characteristics of unstable nuclei. Here, we have theoretically investigated combination of muon and radioactive Sr. The basic concept of the cold hydrogen film method is to stop both a negative muon (µ−) beam and a radioactive ion (Z*) beam simultaneously in a solid hydrogen (D2) film, followed by the muon transfer reaction to higher Z nuclei to form excited µZ* radioactive muonic atoms. Muon from highly excited levels of muonic atoms makes transition to lower and ground state levels and emits x-ray photon. We have written balance rate equations and solved them by using Ode15s method in Matlab. Number of muonic x-ray photons emitted by ions implanted in ~1mm deuterium film, with 5000 injected muons, approximately equals to 210. By determination of the peak area of the ( ) transition line, the measured yield would be about . The numerical results agree well with experimental data measured by Strasser's group. The errors are within 7%.