October 18, 2024
Ali Pakizeh

Ali Pakizeh

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in personality psychology
Phone: 3344442710
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


An investigation into the effectiveness of modification of cognitive bias about failure on students’ academic emotions, exam anxiety, and self-concept.
Type Thesis
اصلاح سوگيري شناختي، شكست، هيجان هاي تحصيلي، اضطراب امتحان، خود پنداره.
Researchers zahra sherafat (Student) , Ali Pakizeh (Primary advisor) , Soran Rajabi (Advisor)


Background: One of the causes of academic failure of students is the successive failures they experience. These people are biased towards failure stimuli. Cognitive biases are types of unconscious influences that affect our decisions. In order to reduce the consequences of bias, the cognitive bias correction method has been used. Objective: In this study, the objective is to investigate the effect of cognitive bias correction on academic excitement, exam anxiety and self-concept of students. Methodology: In this research, the statistical population of students with academic failure in the second year of high schools in Tehran. The studied sample includes 30 people in two control groups (15 people) and control group (15 people). For sampling, the desired sample was selected by the cluster method and the questionnaires of academic emotions, exam anxiety, and self-concept were completed. Then, using the academic average, people with academic failure were identified. In the second stage, 30 students with academic failure were selected and placed in two experimental and control groups using the random digestion method. Then, using Dot Probe software, cognitive biases towards failure were corrected in the members of the experimental group. Finally, all the participants of the two groups completed the mentioned questionnaires again. In the proposed research, the total number of statistical population review sessions is eight, which were held on a weekly basis. After the experiments, the results of the variables were checked and the effects of correcting the cognitive bias towards failure were measured by Dot Probe software. The collected data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Conclusion: The findings of the research showed that there is a significant difference between the academic emotions, exam anxiety and academic self-concept of the experimental and control groups in the post-exam phase. This means that the correction of cognitive bias towards acade