The seventh century should be one of the most important stagesin the political, life of women in Iran. In this period the state of Far s which wasfrom the richest states in iran witnessed changes in the government,which led women to come to rule and with their actions, make important changes in that stste.the present study examines the role of women rulers in the political and economic developments of Fars in (AH 658-685) and raises theis question؛ what was the background Tarkan Khatun and Abbesh Katun rule? and their influences on the developments in southern iran inciuding the Persian Gulf? In response to the research question this hypothesis was followed up that their rule was under the influence of internal disputes and the Mughal government and have played a significant role in thise developments.
The research was conduced with the historical method library techniques and analytical descriptive approach. After examining the evidence the result was that establishment of the Mughal government in Iran and AtabakSad death Tarkan Khatun came to rule in 658 AHandthentogainmorecontrolof Fars the Mongols ruled set AbbeshKhatun in 662 AH and despite well geographically and economically position of Fars but their performance was to emptying the treasury of Fars joining. Fars province to the territory of the Ilkhans decline of Atabakas rule presenc and domination of the Mughals in southern Iran and the Persian Gulf coasts and insecurity in those areas.