The radial basis functions are commonly used to solve the partial differential equations. The simplicity
of these functions in numerical implementation for problems with complex computational
domains and high dimension, as well as the high accuracy of approximation of these functions, has
made them become a useful tool in engineering sciences. In this thesis, a numerical method for
solving the spacial dependent heat inverse problem has been investigated using radial basis functions.
The purpose of writing this thesis is to correct the error that occurred in an article titled ”A
radial basis function collocation method for space-dependent inverse heat problems”, published in
”Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics ” journal (2020) [1] which has invalidated the
numerical results of that article. Therefore, a numerical method for solving the inverse heat problem
using the collocation method of Gaussian radial basis functions and inverse multiquadric in
one spatial dimension is considered. In order to evaluate this method, extensive numerical experiments
have been conducted, including the study of the effect of the shape parameter, arrangement
of the collocation points, and the types of radial basis functions on the numerical solutions. Also, in
some cases, the numerical results obtained using the collocation method have been compared with
the finite difference method. The numerical results show the effectiveness of radial basis functions
for problem solving.