Although benefits of the process oriented benchmarking tools have been proven in business, those have not been taken enough consideration in the library and information sciences. This selected paper from a qualitative research, that aimed to extract the processes related to library loan services from the related sources and model them on the basis of the American Productivity and Quality Center’s Process Classification FrameworkSM, focused on the Inter-Library Loan. The PCF organizes operating and management processes into 12 enterprise-level categories, including process groups, processes, associated activities and tasks. In the our obtained framework, management, design and implement the ILL program is the third processes group that, includes, respectively, following ten processes: study and determine status of users, analyze external environment of library, analyze internal environment of library, determine, analyze and evaluate strategic options, determine type of agreements in term of cooperation geographic scope, implement agreements if ILL seems to be beneficial, determine and estimate costs and budgeting, design and provide necessary infrastructures on the basis of ILL system and covered geographical scope, implement ILL operations, and evaluate ILL system. Finally, we suggest to use the resource-based method and the PCF as a new semi-formal approach for classifying and benchmarking processes in sub-fields of LIS and expect that it be more flexible, cost -effective Comments: Status: Abstract has been accepted. The Conference paper must be submitted
Type: Oral