Human opinions and decisions are mainly inspired by
other people's beliefs and experiences which give them a strong
background of anything they’ve heard or read about.
Accordingly, extracting and knowing what others think about a
special subject or product have become extremely important for
different types of service providers as well as the consumers.
Opinion mining is the area of analyzing user’s sentiments
through the available reviews on the internet and has the
beneficial application of guiding users for online shopping.
Unfortunately, very few studies has been done for sentiment
analysis in Persian online shopping and the existing works have
many limitations in their performances, esp. in differentiating
between a weak and a strong mood in sentimental sentences. This
paper proposes a new lexicon-based opinion mining method for
Persian online shopping which considers the effect of intensifier
adjectives in extracting the exact opinion of a review. It has been
applied on a real dataset extracted from Digikala and has
achieved promising results compared to those of expert