Discussion estimation and followed of finding efficient estimator constitutes one of the main issues in statistical inference. Point estimation , interval , and recently estimates of the Bayes estimation are some of the methods used for this purpose. In this thesis using the point estimate efficient estimator for estimating a parameter to achieve a society in a bivariate distribution using order statistics will be generated from the associated variables . The first chapter of this thesis will include the history of various functions of variables from the order statistics , introducing Farli-Gumbel-Morgenstern family of distributions and its properties , introducing Morgenstern bivariate exponential distribution , referring to the work in this area , as well as the definitions of quantities and other records. In the second chapter by taking n binary random variables (X, Y) of Morgenstern type bivariate exponential distribution of parameter estimation based on complete and censored samples will be dealt with, and then define the estimator unbiased estimator of comparison, and using the Matlab software the corresponding results will be provided . In the third chapter , in order tof achieve more efficient estimator, the raked set sampling , and then we compare this estimator, introduce various estimators, and also calculate the values ??of the efficiency of estimators using Matlab software.