The style of exaggeration, as one of the most frequent syntactic styles, with many latent meanings, has always been the focus of translators. Examining the translation of this style in Nahj al-Balagha, which is a book mixed with eloquent and eloquent expressions, is very important. On the other hand, Catford's theory, as a precise and meticulous theory in translation, can be a good criterion and scale for analyzing the meaning of translations of Nahj al-Balagha in exaggeration styleThis style is used in morphological, syntactic and rhetorical structures; The presence of different morphological structures modified from subject or object nouns, ternary verbs, some ternary singular weights, non-possessive and solid verbs, verb nouns, etc., various syntactic and rhetorical combinations; Such as calling, interrogating, linking the verb to the passive, the present, distinction, etc., all have added to the richness of this style and its many uses in various books, especially Nahj al-Balagha. This research has tried, with descriptive-analytical method, to extract these structures and apply them to this theory in order to determine the degree of conformity or non-conformity in reflecting the meaning of exaggeration in the Arabic word with its translation in Shahidi and Foladvand translations - as two translations that are from Literary opinion has a special place - be clear. After the investigations, it was observed that in most cases the translators have not been able to accurately reflect the meaning of exaggeration in the Arabic language based on this theory. Although in some cases, with the help of emphatic combinations and the use of emphatic restrictions, it has been tried to minimize the difference in meaning in the two languages of origin and destination and to express this exaggeration to some extent; But in general, the reflection of the meaning of exaggeration in these weights has remained somewhat superior.