Background: The most common pollutants in wastewater are heavy metal ions such as nickel, the presence of these pollutants in wastewater causes serious problems for humans and aquatic animals. Therefore, an efficient method is needed to remove heavy metals, including nickel, that is economically cost-effective and does not cause any environmental pollution. Therefore, an efficient method is needed to remove heavy metals, including nickel that is economically cost-effective and does not cause any environmental pollution. Objective: In this research, the biosorption of nickel was studied. The adsorption process was carried out by magnetite magnetic nanoparticles coated with cinnamon extract. Magnetic nanoparticles of magnetite alone do not have bioabsorbability; Therefore, cinnamon extract was used as a coating for the absorption process.
Objective: In this study, nickel biosorption was studied. The adsorption process was carried out by magnetic magnetite nanoparticles coated by cinnamon extract. The adsorption process was carried out by magnetic magnetite nanoparticles coated by cinnamon extract. Magnetite magnetic nanoparticles alone do not have the ability to bioadsorption, so cinnamon extract was used as a coating for the adsorption process. Magnetite magnetic nanoparticles alone do not have the ability to bioadsorption, so cinnamon extract was used as a coating for the adsorption process. Methodology: In this study, the magnetic nanocomposite of cinnamon was synthesized by co-precipitation method. Methodology: In this study, the magnetic nanocomposite of cinnamon was synthesized by coprecipitation method. The amount of nickel ion adsorption by the nanocomposite was investigated under different conditions. The amount of nickel ion adsorption by the nanocomposite was investigated under different conditions.