March 17, 2025
Mojtaba Esmailzadeh

Mojtaba Esmailzadeh

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in Metallurgy
Phone: 09367128921
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Investigating the chemical factors of Bushehr distribution network water with the aim of reducing corrosion
Type Thesis
خوردگي، طيف سنجي امپدانس الكتروشيميايي، آب آشاميدني، شاخص هاي خورندگي و رسوب گذاري آب
Researchers ali ahmadi (Student) , Esmail Tammari (Primary advisor) , Mojtaba Esmailzadeh (Advisor)


Background: Most of the studies on the corrosivity of urban water have only measured corrosion factors such as Langelier, Pokorius, Rysnar, etc., after measuring the chemical and physical factors of urban water by designing seasonal tests and obtaining the Langelier factor according to theoretical calculations, other The factors are also obtained by theoretical calculations and they provide a report on the amount of sedimentation or the amount of water corrosion in metal pipes or asbestos cement, etc., and at the end, suggestions are given or even periodical weight measurement or immersion tests. During one season (90 days) and at the end, the difference in the weight of the metal coupons was calculated and a report was given on the corrosion rate. Therefore, there has been no report on the electrochemical corrosion studies of city water and the experimental plan in this field. Aim: Studying the process of electrochemical corrosion of Bushehr municipal water on the steel pipe used in municipal branches in the presence of active chlorine and the absence of active chlorine, while checking and measuring daily the corrosivity indices of Bushehr urban water. Methodology: After the initial tests, a 16-day test plan was made, in which water samples were poured into test containers from the water distribution center of Bushehr city, while daily Langelier , Ryisnar and Pokorius measurements were taken. At certain times, the electrodes, electrochemical impedance and Some TOEFL tests were taken. Conclusions: The water is reported to be corrosive according to Rysnar and corrosive according to Pokorius according to Langelier sedimentation index. This issue shows the lack of importance of network water distribution center on other corrosiveness indices. The 16-day resistance of the pipe alloy in the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy test shows that this resistance is caused by the formation of an oxide layer along with the precipitation of ions and calcium carbonates. .. Acc