Let X be a Tychonoff space and (Y, d) be a metric space. Let C(X, Y ) be the space
of continuous functions from X to Y .
Given a function ϵ : X(0, ∞) and fC(X, Y ), define
B(f, ϵ) = {gC(X, Y ) : d(f(x), g(x)) < ϵ(x)∀xX}.
The fine topology τω has as a base all sets of the form B(f, ϵ), where ϵ runs over all
elements from C+(X)
We prove nontrivial generalizations of some known results concerning τΓ and τw on
C(X). For example the following are equivalent
1. (C(X, Y ), τγ) = (C(X, Y ), τω);
2. X is a cb−space.
Finally, Some topological properties of (C(X, Y ), τω) and (C(X, Y ), τγ) are studied too.
Keywords: topology, fine topology, graph topology, pesudocompact, paracompact and