Beryllium oxide (BeO) nanopowder was synthesized using sol-gel
method and the effects of changes of chemical reagents were
investigated. Because of tissue equivalence and other outstanding
thermoluminescence (TL) properties of the bulk material in X and γ
dosimetry, the applicability of this nanostructure in TL dosimetry was
studied following irradiation to the 137Cs source. The TL glow curve
of this nanoparticle shows 3 component glow peaks at 391, 429 and
481 K. Computerized glow curve deconvolution program was used
for obtaining the number of constituent glow peaks and trapping
parameters. Activation energies of three components were obtained to
be 1.4, 1.39 and 1.39 eV with kinetic orders of 2.03, 2.12 and 2.09
respectively. TL dose response of this phosphor is also investigated