December 4, 2024
Mohammadali Mirhosseini

Mohammadali Mirhosseini

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in Department of Plant Protection
Phone: 02146069228
Faculty: Faculty of Agricultural Engineering


Title Implications of using tw o natural enemies of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) toward tomato yield enhancement
Type Article
Researchers Mohammadali Mirhosseini (First researcher) , Yaghoub Fathipour (Second researcher) ,


Tomato leaf miner (TLM), Tuta abs oluta (Meyrick) (Le pidoptera: Ge lechiidae) is one of the most destructive tomato pests wor ldwide. We tested quantity and quality of tomato fruits after simultane ous use of two biolog ical control age nts, the predatory mirid bugNesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) and the egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko against TLM. We vari ed the timin g of predator releases (before or after pest establishment) and the number of parasitoids released (ten or 30 females per week per m 2 ). The high est number of fruits per cage, percentage of und amaged fruits, total yield weight, and undama ged yield weight were all obtaine d with pred ator-in-first treatments, wit h or without parasitoid releases. Furthe rmore, mea sures of fruit quality were also high est in predator-in -first treatments, including , highest percent-age of water, greatest proportional fresh weight of carbo hydrates, most lycopene, most? -carotene, most flavonoids, and highest total chlorophyll. Thus, our findings support a predator-in- first augme ntation approach for managem ent of TLM.