18 شهریور 1403
محمدرضا قلي زاده

محمدرضا قلی زاده

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
نشانی: دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی - گروه تاریخ
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / تاریخ
تلفن: 07132255027
دانشکده: دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی

مشخصات پژوهش

پژوهشی تاریخی پیرامون آسیب شناسی زندگی مردم بنادر و سواحل جنوبی ایران در ادبیات داستانی معاصر
نوع پژوهش پارسا
Gulf Coast, Contemporary Fiction, History, Southern School
پژوهشگران ندا انگالی دهنوی (دانشجو) ، محمدرضا قلی زاده (استاد راهنما) ، حمید اسدپور (استاد مشاور)


The fiction literature of each period of history is a mirror that reflects the circumstances of society and its various dimensions of culture. From the historical point of view, through the study of fictional literature in any part of the world, one can find that part of the history that has remained hidden during the Achaemenid centuries. The fictional literature related to the southern heritage of the country is the subject of most of the socio-cultural issues of that era. This research, titled "Historical Research on the Pathology of the Life of the People of Iranian Ports and Beaches in Contemporary Contemporary Literature" from the 1300s to the 1370s, sought to illustrate the relationship between The history and literature of the story, the study of the lives of the people of the south and the expression of their problems and problems are the effects of the Second World War on oil colonization and the arrival of modernity, the Islamic Revolution, imposed war, and so on.