March 7, 2025
naser zare

naser zare

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in Arabic language and literature
Phone: 07731222100
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


A study of narrative Techniques in "Sirdāb Qārūn´s novel" of Ahmad al-Sa‛īd Murād based on the theory of Gérard Genette
Type Thesis
روايت شناسي، رمان معاصر عربي، ژرار ژنت، احمد السعيد مراد، سرداب قارون.
Researchers hamideh alipour (Student) , naser zare (Primary advisor) , Hossein Mohtadi (Advisor)


Narratology is a contemporary approach within literary studies that endeavors to uncover the coherent and systematic underlying principles governing the structure of narratives by analyzing these narratives it seeks to enhance their comprehensibility for readers. Given the fundamental role of narratives in disseminating knowledge within societies, this field of study holds significant prominence among various disciplines. It encompasses a multitude of theories designed to analyze narrative structures. Among these theories, Gérard Genette's narratology stands out as a cornerstone. Genette's work is particularly focused on identifying and analyzing the narrative components present in literary works, such as novels. In the present study, by using a descriptive-analytical method, while highlighting the narrative techniques and rules governing the novel, a better understanding of its narrative space has been achieved. Also, the author's skill in employing the concepts presented in the novel has been demonstrated by extracting narrative patterns. Therefore, the narrative components in the novel "Sirdāb Qārūn" have been evaluated based on the main concepts of Genette's theory, namely narrative time, narrative voice, and focalization. The findings of this research indicate that a diverse array of narrative techniques are showcased in the novel "Sirdāb Qārūn" Time is one of the primary techniques on which the author has focused. An analysis of the element of time reveals that the novel does not adhere to a chronological order, and the narrator employs the narrative techniques of retrospection and prolepsis to recount events. The predominant type of anachrony is the flashback, which is represented through the characters' reminiscences. In the component of duration, the pace of the narrative is increased through techniques of ellipsis and summary, and sometimes, by using the techniques of descriptive pause and dramatic scéne, the pace of the narrative is slowed down, and event