October 16, 2024
Soroush Ahmadi

Soroush Ahmadi

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Address: Faculty of Petroleum, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
Degree: Ph.D in Chemical Engineering
Phone: 0
Faculty: Faculty of Petroleum, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering


Simulation analysis of the acidizing process in a carbonate reservoir for production conditions
Type Presentation
Acidizing, carbonate reservoir, skin factor, wormhole, production zone
Researchers Azizollah Khormali (First researcher) , Soroush Ahmadi (Second researcher)


In the practice of oil production, various methods are used to improve the operation efficiency, the success of which is associated with the processes occurring at the boundaries of oil-water-gas-rock. Acid injection into the near-wellbore region is one of the most cost-effective methods of increasing the production rate. The change in the permeability and porosity of the reservoir rock as a result of acidizing is a complex process, as it is influenced by several parameters. To increase the performance of acidizing and reduce the operation cost, the acid injection process should be simulated so that the optimal values of injection rate and acid volume can be determined. In this work, the values of acid injection rate and volume were optimized for production well. In the studied well, three interlayers (zones) with different permeability were evaluated. The optimal values of the parameters were utilized to analyze the final skin value after each acid treatment stage (preflush and main acid injection). The simulation results showed that the skin factor has reached values after the completion of stimulation. The length of the wormhole has also been significantly increased. The greatest radial penetration was observed in the more permeable zone.