March 7, 2025
Saeed Jaamei

Saeed Jaamei

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in -
Phone: -
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Damage detection in cracked stiffened plates using the inverse finite element method
Type Thesis
روش المان محدود معكوس؛ آسيب؛ ترك؛ كرنش؛ ورق تقويت شده ترك دار
Researchers mohamad masood karimi (Student) , Ehsan Bahmyari (Primary advisor) , Saeed Jaamei (Advisor)


The inverse finite element method is used for shape , strain and stress measurement in various plate and shell structures. The health monitoring of structures has been investigated using the results of inverse finite elements in this research. A new iMITC4 four-node inverse quadrilateral finite element shell element has been developed based on the first-order shear deformation theory of the shells and its application has been investigated for shape and strain measurement as well as structural health monitoring for finding crack location in stiffened plates. The iMITC4 element has a very good and accurate capability for use in monitoring the health of structures. In addition, the mentioned element has good and reliable performance despite the strain data containing noise.