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Title تغييرات شاخصهاي خوني ماهي سيباس آسيايي (Lates Calcarifer) در سازش با شوريهاي مختلف آب
Type Presentation
Keywords (Lates Calcarifer), salinity, hematological parameters
Abstract The research to the impact of different levels of salinity on blood indices Fish Asian sea bass (Lates Calcarifer) with an average weight of 34/36±0/411 (± standard deviation) and hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht), red (RBC) and white (WBC) blood cells, RBC indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) count and differential white blood cells in a completely randomized design in 300 liter 12 fiberglass tank, with four treatments The control group included 50 ppt and three treatment with 35, 15 and 0 ppt and three replications each containing 15 pieces of fish were taken. Analysis was done at the end of 15 days period by collecting blood from the caudal vein and immediately transporting the samples to the laboratory. The results of this study showed that the salinity levels of hemoglobin (Hb), white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes and MCHC value difference not significant (P> 0.05), but the hematocrit (Ht), red blood cells (RBC) and RBC indices (MCV, MCH) in the two treatment groups of 15 and 35 ppt showed significant differences (P <0.05). So that the amount of this factor in treatment salinity 35 lowest and 15 the highest salinity levels than the control group.
Researchers Mahmoud Nafisi Bahabadi (Third researcher) ,