April 29, 2024
Saeed Rasoli

Saeed Rasoli

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in Pure mathematic
Phone: 09375197298
Faculty: Faculty of Intelligent Systems and Data Science


Title ايده آل هاي ناهموار برپايه گونه هاي ايده آل مشخص
Type Article
Journal journal of algebraic structures and their applications
Researchers Saeed Rasoli (First researcher)


The paper is devoted to concern a relationship between rough set theory and universal algebra. Notions of lower and upper rough approximations on an algebraic structure induced by an ideal are introduced and some of their properties are studied. Also, notions of rough subalgebras and rough ideals with respect to an ideal of an algebraic structure, which is an extended notion of subalgebras and ideals in an algebraic structure, are introduced and investigated.