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Home \مقایسه دیدگاه دانش اموزان و ...
Title مقايسه ديدگاه دانش اموزان و معلمان در مدارس دولتي و ربانكده ها در باره روش يادگيري به كمك كامپيوتر: مطالعه موردي استان خوزستان
Type Thesis
Keywords CALL, Information Technology, Attitude, EFL
Abstract The extraordinary growth of employing computers in all aspects of life, especially in education, has obliged teachers to use this technology in teaching process and consider it as a must in their classes. The aim of the present thesis was investigating the attitudes of students and teachers toward Computer-Assisted language learning (CALL) and then comparing them in schools and institutes. To fulfill this purpose, 400 students and 200 English teachers were randomly selected from schools and institutes of Khoozestan province and then were asked to answer five-point Likert scale items in the questionnaires. After collecting raw data, SPSS software (version 19) was employed to analyze them. In SPSS, descriptive statistics was used to get the percentage, mean, and standard deviation for each item to attain the general attitudes of students and teachers toward Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in schools and institutes. After that, two sets of independent samples t-tests (one for students and the other for teachers) were run to determine whether significant differences were found between the attitudes of students and teachers in schools and institutes. The results revealed that although some students and teachers had negative attitudes toward some items associated with the learning environment of CALL, overall, a large number of them expressed positive attitudes toward this method. Besides, significant differences were found between the attitudes of students as well as teachers in schools and institutes.
Researchers Mohammad Reza Shamsaddini (Primary advisor) , Abbas Abbasi (Advisor)