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Home \بررسی ویژگی هایی از حاصلضرب ...
Title بررسي ويژگي هايي از حاصلضرب تانسوري گراف ها
Type Thesis
Keywords Graph, Tensor product, topological index
Abstract In this thesis, ?rst we study the tensor product of graphs and show some properties for them. Then, we compute some topological indices for tensor product of graphs. Also, we cancel by counter examples, three formulas that by J. Ma, M. Liu and M. Faghani with their co-works before presented. Then we establish a new formula for the Polar Wiener index of tensor product of graphs that covers all graphs in general cases. After this, we study the properties of distance-regular graphs and then the characters of tensor product of graphs under this property. Finally, we study the decomposition of graphs with respect to the tensor product and their properties.
Researchers Mojgan Mogharrab (Primary advisor) , Reza Sharafdini (Advisor)