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Title بررسي عملكرد و اجزاي عملكرد ارقام ذرت (.(Zea mays L در تراكم هاي مختلف كشت
Type Thesis
Keywords Corn, yield, yield components, plant density, variety
Abstract Maize (Zea mays L.) a valuable crop plants is according to characteristics such as variety, great compatibility and high nutritional value, is the row most important agricultural plants in the world. Choose a variety and planting density of important factors environment, achieve optimum yield for each region. study the performance of hybrid varieties of corn in different planting densities experimental in Bushehr province with six corn hybrids (including Mobin, Karon, Dehghan, Single Cross 260, 703 and 704) In three planting densities of 60, 70 and 80 thousand plant ha as factorial complete randomized block design experiment with three replicationsin the beginning of September the crop year 1393 was designed in the Borazjan. Morphological traits (plant height, number of ears, number of the leaves, number of leaves above the ear and the ear are the main crown), traits, yield component (diameter of the corn, ear length, ear weight, number of kernel rows per ear, number of kernels per row, grain weight number of kernels per ear and grain weight per ear), grain yield and biological yield were measured and recorded. Results of variance analysis showed that most of the traits affected by cultivar, showed a significant differences and Dehghan cultivar highest yield (8/727 tons per ha). While the effect of density for other traitsexcept the for grain yield any significant difference in the level of five per cent. And the most suitable plant density of 80 thousand plants per hectare was expressed. In this study maximum the number of rows per ear (24/60) in the hybrid represents the density of 70 thousand plants per hectare and the number of grains per ear maximum number (661/08) in 704 the hybrid density of 80 thousand plants per hectare, respectively. Generally with increased density, increased yield, and the highest grain yield by as much as (10/915 tons per ha) related to the Dehghan cultivar in plant density of 80 thousand plants per hectare, respectively, the highest of
Researchers Kohanmoo Mohammad Amin (Primary advisor) , Mohammad Modarresi (Primary advisor) , Hamidreza Nooryazdan (Advisor)