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پيشنويس مقاله چاپ شده ثبت شده در 1399/10/28 1:12:1 ق.ظ
Type Article
two dimensional materials, density functional theory, silicon bismotide, group IV-V 2D materials, band structure tuning
Using density functional theory, we investigate a novel two-dimensional silicon bismotide (SiBi) that has a layered GaSe-like crystal structure. Ab initio molecular dynamic simulations and phonon dispersion calculations suggest its good thermal and dynamical stability. The SiBi monolayer is a semiconductor with a narrow indirect bandgap of 0.4 eV. Our results show that the indirect bandgap decreases as the number of layers increases, and when the number of layers is more than six layers, direct-to-indirect bandgap switching occurs. The SiBi bilayer is found to be very sensitive to an E-field. The bandgap monotonically decreases in response to uniaxial and biaxial compressive strain, and reaches 0.2 eV at 5%, while at 6%, the semiconductor becomes a metal. For both uniaxial and biaxial tensile strains, the material remains a semiconductor and indirect-to-direct bandgap transition occurs at a strain of 3%. Compared to a SiBi monolayer with a layer thickness of 4.89 Å, the bandgap decreases with either increasing or decreasing layer thickness, and at a thicknesses of 4.59 to 5.01 Å, the semiconductor-to-metal transition happens. In addition, under pressure, the semiconducting character of the SiBi bilayer with a 0.25 eV direct bandgap is preserved. Our results demonstrate that the SiBi nanosheet is a promising candidate for designing high-speed low-dissipation devices.
Researchers Asadollah Bafekry (First researcher) , Fazel Shojaei (Second researcher) , Mohammed M. Obeid (Third researcher) , Mitra Ghergherehchi (Fourth researcher) , Chuong V. Nguyen (Fifth researcher) , Mohammad Oskouian (Not in first six researchers)