In this work, we study the kumaraswamy weibull geometric (Kw-WG) distribution which includes as
special cases, several models such as the kumaraswamy weibull distribution, kumaraswamy exponential
distribution, weibull geometric distribution, exponential geometric distribution, to name a few. This
distribution was monotone and non-monotone hazard rate functions, which are useful in lifetime data
analysis and reliability. We derive some basic properties of the Kw-WG distribution including non-central
rth-moments, skewness, kurtosis, generating functions, mean deviations, mean residual life, entropy, order
statistics and certain characterizations of our distribution. The method of maximum likelihood is used for
estimating the model parameters and a simulation study to investigate the behavior of this estimation is
presented. Finally, an application of the new distribution and its comparison with recent flexible
generalization of weibull distribution is illustrated via two real data sets.