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Title تجليات المثاقفة اللغوية في شعر فاضل العزاوي
Type Article
Keywords Not Record
Abstract The poet's language consists of a network of quotations; an expression of a religion and a rudeness borrowed from a culture, a picture taken from a film, etc. The language of the poet is a mixture of the arts, literature and experiences of her country in the subconscious, composed of a cognitive inventory evoked at the moment of writing the text. And what raises poet problems and issues in the texts? This research is based on a descriptive approach - analysis, or searching for sources or quotations that occur in English. The most important topics that we have studied are: Studying the polishing or the integration of sentences in the Arabic language, the employment in specific terms, the acculturation with the slang, and the enrichment with the Quranic vocabulary.
Researchers Rasoul Balavi (Second researcher)