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Home \الدین و مظاهر الهجاء
Title الدين و مظاهر الهجاء
Type Presentation
Keywords Keywords: satire, inveigh, curse, hadiths, The Noble Quran
Abstract Abstract This article is a religious linguistic survey on "satire" and its sub-meanings in the context like: "blame and" reproach", "curse" and "insult", and "inveigh ,damn , disapproval".The writer tries to express the differences and similarities between them by studying the derivational meanings of Ahl-e-Beit's words and quotations. At the end, the writer presents a novel classification of "satire" like: "exceptional inveigh", "overall inveigh" or "personal inveigh". Then it expresses reasons for forbidding and unpleasureness of some damns inveighs on the basis of "hadiths" and The Noble Quran.
Researchers Seyyed Heydar Shirazi (First researcher)