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Title رده بندي حالت Rl-تكگون هاي به طور مستقيم تحويل ناپذير
Type Presentation
Keywords Rl monoid, state Rl monoid, simple state Rl monoid, subdirectly irreducible state Rl monoid.
Abstract This paper is devoted to study the notion of state Rl monoids and to investigate their properties. We establish a connection between (normal) ?-filters of a state Rl monoid A_V and (normal) filters of Rl monoid ?(A). We characterize simple and local state R‘ monoids. Also, we make a correction on the proof of [3, Theorem 4.11] for characterization of subdirectly irreducible state R‘ monoids.
Researchers Saeed Rasoli (First researcher) ,