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Title افزايش و كنترل جذب نانوساختارهاي پلاسمونيكي گرافن طلا در ناحيه مرئي و فروسرخ
Type Presentation
Keywords Graphene, Surface Plasmon
Abstract In this article we study the surface plasmons effects on graphene's absorption in near-infrared and visible range. One dimensional gold-grating photonic crystal structure is put on top of the graphene single layer to create plasmons, and also an antireflection layer with different materials is placed on the whole structure. We plot the diagrams of graphene's absorption in terms of wavelength and structure's geometric parameters, afterwards analyse the results have been achieved. The absorption of graphene is enhanced approximately up to 8.5 times in this spectra region for such structure. We can control the graphene's absorption level and its absorption spectra, by the antireflection layer's type and also geometric parameters of plasmonic nanostructure. By using PMMA antireflection layer, we introduce a structure that despite the high absorption for graphene has the least sensitivity into layer's thickness.
Researchers Hossein Shirkani (First researcher) ,