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Title بررسي اثرات تنش شوري بر برخي خصوصيات مورفولوژيكي گياه گوجه فرنگي
Type Presentation
Keywords Salinity, root, shoot, Tomatoes
Abstract Generaly, stresses affects various aspects of plant growth and also they causes reduction in rate of development, growth organs, and reduction in the growth period of plant and eventually they will decline dry matter production. This experiment was counducted in 2016 to study the effects of salinity on some morphological characteristics tomato plant, varieties Lian at the greenhouse of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Borazjan (Bushehr) in a completely randomized design with four replications. The treatments include salinity of NaCl at 4 levels 0, 25, 50, 75 mM. The results showed that salt stress has significant effect on morphologic traits of tomato including root length, shoot length, stem diameter, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, fresh weight of shoot to root and only had no significant effect on shoot dry weight. The highest values for root length (41.33 cm) and shoot fresh weight (466.96 g) was observed at salinity level 50 mM. For shoot length (76.56 cm) and root fresh weight (56.58 g) was in the level of control and also for root dry weight (7.52 g), fresh weight of shoot to root (27.72), stem diameter (9.51 mm) was observed at salinity level 75 mM. The minimum value for root length (32.89 cm), shoot length (65.11 cm), fresh weight of shoot to root (7.66) in the salinity level of 75 mm and the minimum value for root dry weight (3.56 g), weight root (16.068 g), shoot fresh weight (366.53 g), stem diameter (7.45 mm) were observed in control.
Researchers Leila Karami (First researcher) , Rahim Nikkhah (Second researcher) ,