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Title هم پوچسازها و هم پوچك ها در مشبكه هاي مانده دار
Type Presentation
Keywords residuated lattice, coannihilator, coannulet, hyperarchimedean residuated lattice.
Abstract In this paper we introduce and investigate the notions of coannihilators and coannulets of a residuated lattice. Following standard methods, we obtain that, given a residuated lattice A and a filter F of A, the complete lattice P(A) is F -pseudocomplemented and that the set ?F (A) of F -coannihilators can be endowed with a structure of complete Boolean lattice. We show that the set ?F (A) of F -coannulets, the coannihilator of singletons, is a sublattice of ?F (A). Finally, we characterize coannihilators in terms of minimal prime filters and we give a sufficient condition for a residuated lattice to be hyperarchimedean.
Researchers Saeed Rasoli (First researcher)