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Title بررسي مقابله اي معنايي افعال دوكلمه اي زبان انگليسي در نوشته هاي فراگيران ايراني و انگليسي زبانان
Type Presentation
Keywords افعال دو كلمه اي، پيكره،بررسي مقابله اي، زبان آموزان غيرانگليسي زبان، لاكنس، پرگالك
Abstract The present corpus-based study is an attempt to explore the semantic analysis of take off, bring up, look up and point out as the most frequent common phrasal verbs used differently in the Iranian EFL learners' writings in comparison with those of the native speakers. To this end, two corpora were used: Persian Gulf University Learner Corpus (PerGulc) and The Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS). Using the Stanford tagger and AntConc to tag the texts for their parts of speech and to analyze them as the research instruments, the study revealed that the Iranian EFL learners' use of the different meanings of phrasal verbs and the most frequent meanings were different from those of the native speakers'. These findings suggest that the Iranian EFL learners are unaware of the different meanings of the phrasal verbs, especially those which are used by the native speakers. Therefore, the selection and presentation of phrasal verbs are suggested to be based on how they are actually used by the native speakers of English rather than being selected and offered at random in the classroom.
Researchers Abbas Abbasi (Second researcher) , Fatemeh Nemati (Third researcher)