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Home \نقش رویکردهایی نوین مدیریت و ...
Title نقش رويكردهايي نوين مديريت و فناوري در توسعه پايدار صنعت شيلات ايران
Type Presentation
Keywords development, fisheries, new technologies, probiotics, biotechnology
Abstract In Iran the development and progress of the fisheries sector in during the last four decades have been very considerable. The production of aquatic animal from 37000 ton in 1979 reach to 1mt. In regard to the huge marine resources and having very vast water resources in the country, it is possible to increase the production to more than the current values. To succeed in this industry and move towards increasing aquaculture production must be used from new approaches management. It is suggested, for more successful, to use new managing aquaculture such as feed management, disease control and production management Along with the application of new technologies intensive aquaculture and the use of probiotics and the biotechnology products.
Researchers gholamreza Badzohreh (First researcher)