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Title سنتز مشتقات جديد اكسو ايزوبنزوفوران و اكسايش گزينشي سولفيدها به سولفوكسيدها با استفاده از هيدروژن پراكسيد در حضور كاتاليزور تترابرميد كربن
Type Thesis
Keywords 425
Abstract (1-(-oxoisobenzofuran derivatives were synthesised via oxidative cleavage of 3a,8a-dihydroxy3,3a-dihydroindeno[1,2-d]imidazol. The later compounds were prepared from the addition reaction of trichloroacetonitrile, amine derivatives and ninhydrine. (Scheme 1). Scheme 1 2)We also prepared sulfoxides drivatives by the reaction of sulfides with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of CBr4 as catalyst. High degree of selectivity were observed in acetonitril as solvent at rome temperature. (Scheme 2) Scheme 2
Researchers Mohammad Reza Mohammadizadeh (Primary advisor) , Alireza Hasaninejad (Advisor)