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Title برآورد پارامتر چسبندگي ماده هسته اي Pu در چارچوب مدل آماري
Type Thesis
Keywords Fission propability, Nuclear viscosity
Abstract Nuclear viscosity is a factor that has a big influence on evaluation of fission of excited nuclei, that we can name effect on fission probability, intrance probability in isomeric states. In this research we try to study the effect of nuclear viscosity on intrancing into isomeric states (ground state of second well of fission barrier) in statistical model. The significance of this research is that with this method we can estimate the intrance into isomeric state and the quantity of nuclear viscosity with analyzing experimental data. Generally for the most of heavy nuclei we can consider two half life time. One of them is too long and the other one is too short. The second one is related to to the states of potential barrier. Before this, with using of experimental data in intrancing into isomeric states, a lot of information about parameters of fission barrier has been achived.
Researchers Hadi Eslamizadeh (Primary advisor) , Hossein Raanaei (Advisor)