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Home \مطالعه کثرت ذرات خروجی قبل از ...
Title مطالعه كثرت ذرات خروجي قبل از فرايند شكافت هسته هاي سنگين برانگيخته Fr 213 توليد شده در فرايندهاي همجوشيAu197 O 16
Type Thesis
Keywords Fission process, level density
Abstract In this these, we will try to simulate the fission of nucleus 213Fr produced in 16O 197Au reactions. At first to obtain the fission barrier properties, we will use the modified liquid Drop Model. Then for simulate the fission, we calculate fission barrier with considering effects of temperature and projection of spin on symmetry axis of nucleus. To calculate the level density, we will use the Fermi-Gas Model. By denoting all parameters, whit writing computer program, we obtain probability procedurs, as (neutron, proton and alpha) evaporation, gamma-ray emission, and fission process. In the last, for reproduce the experimental data of pre-scission neutron multiplicity before fission and fission probability, we considered the temperature coefficient of the potential function as a free parameter and according to changed the value of this parameter, we tried to reproduce the experimental data
Researchers Hadi Eslamizadeh (Primary advisor) , Hossein Raanaei (Advisor)