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Home \مطالعه سنتز هسته های Sg 262 ...
Title مطالعه سنتز هسته هاي Sg 262 خلق شده در فرايندهاي همجوشيPb 208 Cr 54
Type Thesis
Keywords 461
Abstract In this study, we want to obtain the synthesis probability of some Sg isotopes in fusion reaction 54Cr 208Pb The purpose of this research is to study the possibility of synthesizing heavy nucleus, and studying the properties and behavior of cells is synthesized the results can be used to evaluate the possibility of new nuclear synthesis. For impelementation, factors affecting of a composite nucleus should be studied and then with assuming of formation the composite nucleus should be checked the nucleus decays throught what channels and finally we will estimate the synthesis probability of Sg nuclei in the framework of the Probability Theory.
Researchers Hadi Eslamizadeh (Primary advisor) , Hossein Raanaei (Advisor)