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Exponentiated extended Weibull-power series class of distributions
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EM-algorithm, Exponentiated family, Maximum likelihood estimation, Power series distributions
In this paper, we introduce a new class of distributions by compounding the exponentiated extended Weibull family and power series family. This distribution contains several lifetime models such as the complementary extended Weibull-power series, generalized exponential-power series, generalized linear failure rate-power series, exponentiated Weibull-power series, generalized modified Weibull-power series, generalized Gompertz-power series and exponentiated extended Weibull distributions as special cases. We obtain several properties of this new class of distributions such as Shannon entropy, mean residual life, hazard rate function, quantiles and moments. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure via a EM-algorithm is presented.
Researchers Saeid Tahmasebi (First researcher) , Ali Akbar Jafari (Second researcher)