In thi s work, t he binar y and ternary vapor e liquid and liquid e liquid equilibri um (VLE and LLE) data of
different systems incl uding N -formylmorpholine (NFM ), alkanes , aromatics are colle cted from previously
publis hed literature and then modeled us ing t wo dif ferent equations of state including Soavee Redlich
e Kwong (SRK) and cu bic-plus- associati on (CPA). Since the main purpose of this work is set on the
evalua tion of the SRK and CPA EoS' s cap ability for model ing of polar systems and to know the importa nce
of assoc iation par t of CPA EoS, binar y and ternary systems of NFM are conside red as the objective
function . Besid es, t his investig ation is directed in a way that a single “ engine ering approach ” obta ins for
applying CPA to NFM e aromatic mi xtures. Respect to this, different approaches are used to ? nd t he
function ality of modelin g using CPA EoS. These approaches including 3 assoc iation schem es for pure
NFM (assumi ng a non-a ssociati ng comp ound or a self-ass ociating ? uid with two or four assoc iation sites)
and dif ferent possibi lities to model mixtures of NFM ? Et hylene Glycol (EG) and aromatics (appl ication of
just one interaction parameter kij or assumin g cross-associatio n interac tions leads to obtai n relevant
parameter s eit her via a combini ng rule). At last, based on the obta ined results it is conc luded that CPA is a
power ful model that can be used for predictions of bina ry and ternary mi xture properties even wit hout
adjust able in teraction parameter s. In addition , the results revealed that the function ality of the CPA EoS
is higher t han the SRK EoS in mo st of the ca ses especia lly for predicting t he vapor pressure of N FM