In this work, we rst use the nite-dierential time-domain (FDTD) to calculate the eigenenergies
and eigenfunctions of a three dimensional (3D) cylindrical quantum wire. We assume that the inside of
the wire is at zero potential. But, the outside of the wire has been chosen at dierent potentials as innite
and nite values. This is a true 3D procedure based on a direct implementation of the time-dependent
Schrodinger equation. Then, we apply the Shannon and Tsallis entropy to obtain entropy and specic of
the system. The results show that (i) the specic heat obtained by Tsallis has a peak structure. (ii) The
entropy behavior for the nite and innite conning potential has the same behavior at low temperatures.
(iii) The peak value of specific heat increases with enhancing the quantum wire radius.