A highly efficient, economic, and environmentally friendly hybrid membrane bioreactor-reverse osmosis (MBR-RO)
was simulated for the treatment of meat-processing wastewater. The effluent elucidated ?92% reduction in the COD, TKN, NO3 ??
N, TN, TSS, and TP parameters. The aerobic MBR accounted for over 62% of the total operation cost that predominantly dealt with
the electricity demand (94.19%), while climate change (95.13%) and photochemical oxidation formation (4.66%) categories
imposed the highest environmental burdens. Fossil fuel utilization as the major energy supplier (97.26%) significantly enhanced the
CO2 emission that led to augmented environmental impacts. Most sensitivity to change of prime parameters was reflected by the
agricultural land occupation (19.25%) and ozone layer depletion (18.97%) categories. Accordingly, the proposed hybrid MBR-RO
can be nominated as a promising system to overcome problems emerged from the meat-processing wastewater.