March 16, 2025
Faridehsadat Hoseini

Faridehsadat Hoseini

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in psychology
Phone: 07731222339
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities


The relationship between emotional intelligence and adjustment and academic achievement with the mediating role of selfcompassion, excitement and resilience in adolescents
Type Thesis
هوش هيجاني، سازگاري، خودشفقت ورزي ، هيجان خواهي، تاب آوري، نوجوانان
Researchers laila taheri (Student) , Golestaneh Seyed Mousa (Primary advisor) , Faridehsadat Hoseini (Advisor)


Background. One of the concepts that has attracted a lot of attention is the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a kind of ability and is defined as the capacity to perceive, express, recognize, use and manage emotions in oneself and others. Aim: The aim of this study was to do investigate the relationship go between emotional intelligence and adjustment beent and academic achievement with the mediating role of selfcompassion, excitement and resilience in adolescents. Methodology: The design of this research is descriptive and correlational. For this purpose, 404 junior high and junior high school students (153 boys and 251 girls) were randomlybe selected by available sampling method and according go to go Shot et al. (1998) Emotional Intelligence Scales, Connor-Davidson Resilience ( 2003), Zuckerman (1971), Bell Social Adjustment (1961), Neff Self-Compassion (2003). SPSS and AMOS software were used to analyze the data. Conclusion: Based on the results, the causal model of the relationship between emotional intelligence and adjustment and academic achievement with the mediating role of self-compassion, excitement and resilience in adolescents was confirmed based on various fitting indicators. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the direct relationship between emotional intelligence and adaptation and academic achievement is significant. Also, the results of structural equation modeling and indirect path coefficient of research variables showed that the indirect relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement is Through resilience, emotional intelligence to academic achievement through self-compassion and emotional intelligence to academic achievement through self-compassion do not include zero and are significant .The results of the structural equation model showed the suitability of the assumed research model. According to the findings, it can be said that self-compassion, excitement and resilience