23 اسفند 1403
حسين نيك منش

حسین نیک منش

مرتبه علمی: استادیار
نشانی: دانشکده علوم و فناوری نانو و زیستی - گروه فیزیک
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / فیزیک
تلفن: -
دانشکده: دانشکده علوم و فناوری نانو و زیستی

مشخصات پژوهش

عنوان Structural, magnetic and microwave absorption properties of doped Ba-hexaferrite nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation method
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پژوهشگران رضا شمس عالم (نفر اول) ، محمود مرادی (نفر دوم) ، محمد رستمی (نفر سوم) ، حسین نیک منش (نفر چهارم) ، راضیه مویدی (نفر پنجم) ، یانگ بای (نفر ششم به بعد)


The structural, magnetic and microwave absorption properties of the barium hexaferrite doped by Zn, Co and Zr cations have been investigated. BaZnxCoxZr2xFe12?4xO19 (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) nanoparticles were synthesized by the co-precipitation method in the presence of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TGA–DTA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and vector network analyzer are employed to investigate the desired properties of the prepared samples. From the XRD evaluation it can be seen that the magnetoplumbite structure for all of the samples have been formed and the average crystallite size of nanoparticles lies in the range of 443 nm. The TGA–DTA curves of the undoped sample (x=0.0) indicate that the formation of barium hexaferrite can be obtained at a relatively low temperature of 709 °C. The results of VSM analysis show that the saturation magnetization and coercivity are decreased by increasing the percentage of the dopants. The reflection loss results indicate that the ferrite with the composition of BaZn0.5Co0.5 ZrFe10O19 has appropriate reflection loss (RL