September 18, 2024
Hossein Raanaei

Hossein Raanaei

Academic Rank: Associate professor
Degree: Ph.D in Physics
Phone: 07731223310
Faculty: Faculty of Nano and Biotechnology


بستگي فرايند بازگشت به اندازه نانونقطه هاي مغناطيسي پرمالوي : يك شبيه سازي ميكرومغناطيسي
Type Presentation
Permalloy dot, Vortex state, Reversal process, Micromagnetic simulation
Researchers Hossein Raanaei (First researcher) ,


In this survey, the size effect on magnetization configurations and magnetization reversal of a Permalloy magnetic nanodot were studied by using micromagnetic simulation. The coherent rotation is a dominant transition process for the dots with smaller radius. It has been shown that as the radius of dot becomes larger, the transition mode tends to be appeared in "S" state and finally leading to single and double vortex states. Thicker dots are found to reverse their magnetization by nucleation and propagation of their vortex states, when the field is applied parallel to the dot surface.