۲۴ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
خداداد بحري

خداداد بحری

مرتبه علمی: دانشیار
نشانی: دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی - گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب
تحصیلات: دکترای تخصصی / زبان وادبیات عربی
تلفن: ۰۹۱۷۷۷۵۶۳۴۹
دانشکده: دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی

مشخصات پژوهش

تصویر خودِ شرقی ودیگریِ غربی در رمان "عصفور من الشرق" اثر توفیق الحکیم
نوع پژوهش پارسا
comparative literature, scenography, ego and other, Towfiq Al-Hakim, Asfoor Min Al-sharq
پژوهشگران فاطمه رضایی نژاد (دانشجو) ، علی اصغر قهرمانی مقبل (استاد راهنما) ، خداداد بحری (استاد مشاور)


Research in comparative literature and its different areas is one of the most important fields of literary research, that scenography is of most important ones which emphasizes on the picture of other in the ego culture or on the picture of ego in the other culture. Novel is one of the best ways through that author can describe the problem of ego and other. The novel “Asfoor Min Al-Sharq” is one of novels published by Towfiq Al-Hakim in 1938 A.D. in which he introduced the problem of eastern ego and western other. In this novel, he has described dichotomies between west and east in details. Regarding that the author himself is eastern, the viewpoint of this novel is eastern too. On the other hand, the location where the events have been taken place is one of the western cities, Paris. This city has been viewed from an eastern viewpoint by the author and he has described dichotomies between west and east. Therefore, based on the novel “Asfoor Min Al-sharq”, east is used for the role of “ego” and west for the “other”. The present study has described and analyzed the dichotomies between west and east in the mentioned novel using descriptive-analytical method based on the comparative method with scenography approach. Besides introduction and ending, it involves three chapters: in the first chapter titled “general”, we have briefly wrote about the life and writings of Towfiq Al-Hakim and the place of scenography in comparative literature has been specified. In the second chapter titled “researching eastern and western dichotomies in the characters of the novel”, the dichotomies between western and eastern characters have been investigated. And finally in the third chapter titled “the cultural, temporal and local dichotomies between west and east in the novel Asfoor Min Al-sharq”, the differences between west and east in the story have been criticized and investigated. Based on this novel, the main difference between west and east is the tendency of east towards spiritual