September 16, 2024
Mohammad Mohammadi

Mohammad Mohammadi

Academic Rank: Assistant professor
Degree: Ph.D in physic
Phone: 09171021581
Faculty: Faculty of Nano and Biotechnology


Study of periodical multilayered targets for Muonic atom production
Type Thesis
توليد اتم ميوني، هدف هاي چندلايه اي تكرار شونده، اتم µt
Researchers Rouhollah (Kouroush) Gheisari (Primary advisor) , Mohammad Mohammadi (Advisor)


Nuclear energy is produced in two ways: The fission of heavy elements and fusion of light weight atoms. The fusion phenomenon from the production perspective has benefits towards fission phenomenon. of light weight atoms, are abundant and can be accessed easily and the final productions of fusion are generally light weight and stable atoms rather than heavy atoms. Also the released energy for every nucleon in fusion is more than fission. One of the methods of Fusion for producing energy, is nuclear muon catalyzed fusion. The basis for muon catalyzed fusion is decreasing the Coulomb barrier. In contrast to MCF and ICF methods, fusion with μCF method is possible in room temperature and not very high densities. Therefore, this method is known as cold fusion method. Since two particles can be fused in room temperature and produce energy. In this method achieving to the Muon Cycling Coefficient is of high importance, therefore finding the optimal circumstances is the basis of this method. In the present thesis, the Muon Cycling Coefficient in accordance with periodical multilayered solid targets H-T/D2 in solid environment is calculated. As a consequence, the first of two layers are investigated and all of the results are calculated and after that, two more layers is added and investigated and finally more layers are considered. The differential equations governed to muonic atomics and molecular time rate changes are solved using mathematical software Maple and muon’s multipliers is obtained in optimal condition and the related diagrams are illustrated. Finally it can be concluded that by using the periodical multilayered targets in optimal condition, great portion of fusion is achieved.